With my training offerings, my aim is not only to enhance skills but also to create an inspiring learning environment. My goal is to have an impact on teams or groups, strengthening collaboration. The results should not only be visible within the training rooms but also in the day-to-day work life. Below, you will find an initial overview of possible training sessions. I also provide customized training sessions tailored to strenghten your team.
Exploring teams - strengthen relationships
In this training, the focus is on uncovering informal team structures with the aim of sustainably strengthening collaboration within teams. Have you ever wondered why a group or team tends to fall into the same patterns repeatedly? Or faces recurring challenges?
This training aims to make these structures and challenges precisely visible.
Duration: 2 days, 4 hours each day
Group size: 5-10 people
Psychological safety as a basic building block for high performance
High performance involves creativity, learning effects, innovation, and high collaboration within teams—qualities sought after by many companies. An essential foundation for this is psychological safety within teams. But how and what does that actually mean?
This training specifically focuses on this foundation and puts the topic into practice.
Duration: 2 days, 4 hours each day
Group size: 5-10 people
Communication and feedback - tools in practice
Feedback culture is a central theme for many organizations. Giving and receiving feedback is not an easy task for some. Communication patterns and styles go hand in hand with this process. Many people experience this clash in their professional lives.
This training is focused on making the common challenges visible and finding simple tools for effective communication.
Duration: 2 days, 4 hours each day
Group size: 5-10 people
As a standard practice, I offer a follow-up session and group discussion for all my trainings and workshops. This is aimed at keeping the conversation ongoing and supporting teams in maintaining an open dialogue.
With a decade of practical experience in various organizations and my training as a systemic coach and consultant, I seamlessly integrate hands-on experience with a solid theoretical foundation. This combination allows me to offer teams a comprehensive and practical learning experience. Other topics that I am pleased to offer include:
Learning leadership - Leading oneself and others
Among leaders - Colleague-based case discussions and peer feedback
Differentiating between poor leadership and good leadership - What does it mean?
Leadership roles as part of an organization (role, mission, competencies)
Conflicts & Stress:
Stress management and resilience
Crafting a shared culture for handling conflicts
Conflict resolution within teams
Collaborative goal setting - What should be achieved? What unites us?
Nonviolent communication
Team Structures:
Building teams and creating shared structures (rituals, team meetings, 1:1s, etc.)
Team agreements - regarding communication and collaboration
Clarifying roles and making expectations explicit
Team development - from storming to performing
Change management within the team (due to new structures, goals, leadership roles, etc.)
Larger groups?
More complex challenges?
No problem - I enjoy collaborating with my colleagues from the House of Perspectives and have a network of experienced coaches & trainers.

"A learning organization is a place where people continuously discover that they create their own reality. And that they can change it."
- Peter M. Senge